Thursday, February 06, 2014

The Day I Saw a Shooting Star

I remember a moment in a day, my father woke me up in the midst of very early morning. He told me to brush and change from my pajama and wear a track suit. Unwillingly I obeyed due to sleepiness. I was 8 and the thought of getting more sleep is very tempting. Finally, I manage to tie my shoe lace correctly and we were off to the road. I stayed in Rasah when I was little, a dear part of Seremban. It was rather a fetish place to stay during that era. The name of that place is Taman Bukit Chedang (Chedang Hill Park), a newly developed housing estate in Rasah. The roads are new & clean, less pollution & good people. My house was a huge double storey bungalow on the corner lot, on a slanted hill, so the house is considered posh around the area. It is also very near to Kampung Baru, just down the hills.

Clueless at first, I don't know why the heck my father woke me up in the middle of my slumber. Ouh, he was planning to go for a jog. So we went, and I tried to follow his pace. Unsuccessfully, he slowed down to my pace. It was quite a long run to me because we need to come down from the hill of our house and make a big round towards the roundabout and came back from the other side of the road back to the house. My father was never a sloppy person, he's always active and can't sit still for long. Although my late mom used to scold him for being lazy because he doesn't like to mow the lawn. He also got good scolding when he was trying his hands in the garden and trimmed most of the plants. I remember the small branches of rambutan tree outside the kitchen being almost naked because of his fetishness off tree trimming. And my mom become something else that evening. Oh well, now in his old age, he does have a very good hand in gardening. He planted most of the trees & flowers in our garden in Nilai (our current house). And the most successful ones are the Bakawali trees that produced a very beautiful rare type of flower with a very distinct lovely smell. He have it all over the house which become our favorite too.

Coming back to the jogging, when we are reaching our house, suddenly he stopped me and pointed to the sky. He said, "Look there, make a wish.". I was speechless of the amazing sight and quickly closed my eyes and make a wish, which I can't remember anymore what was it. When I thought about all my expedition, mountain climbing, hiking & trekking, none of them can compare to what I experienced with my father that dawn. Today we are separated by our own life. Me.. in my own world trying to make out this empty life. Putting so much effort to fulfill a day and my lonely weekends. But its okay, life goes on.

It was the first and the last time we had our morning walk together. I just want him to know that I am always by his side, no matter how far I will go.

To return to innocence.

~:: Failure is when you stop trying ::~