Life as we know it, very fragile. This includes relationships. Relationship is like magnetic fields. Only reconnects when the contradiction matched. Yap, it RE-connects, because they both were disconnected sometime ago. Its like when you are running in a big circle, seems like you are leaving the starting point behind, but actually you are getting closer to the end point which is the starting point. Its practically the rule of the universe, where everything have its own axis, and axis always have circular properties. Even our life is circular (usually). We get up in the morning, brush, wash, etc, go to work, spend our income, (then got finished), and sleep. The routine repeats again in a circle.
Its a rare occasion when we immediately develop fondness towards someone or something. It is feromonial. Does looks counts? Yes indeed. Really depends on one's perception towards colors, contras, structure, & fine details. Some people feel happy only by sitting by the sea shore, surrounded by familiar and expected structure, some people like the look of certain lamp post or simply the traffic lights, and some other people like the unexplored region which haven't been stored in their mind set. Talking about mind set, what it has to do with it? actually a lot. Let see the diagram below;
Its a rare occasion when we immediately develop fondness towards someone or something. It is feromonial. Does looks counts? Yes indeed. Really depends on one's perception towards colors, contras, structure, & fine details. Some people feel happy only by sitting by the sea shore, surrounded by familiar and expected structure, some people like the look of certain lamp post or simply the traffic lights, and some other people like the unexplored region which haven't been stored in their mind set. Talking about mind set, what it has to do with it? actually a lot. Let see the diagram below;

Why is it that a person can have a blissful conversation with certain people? What is the factor initiating this interest? Blissful conversation in this context means where both party feel honestly calm/excited & happy during the course where you don't have to be defensive, mugging, insecure or cocky about a topic. This includes acceptance of sarcasm or simply feels total relaxation even without talking. This can be perceived in few perspectives such as mutual trust, mutual fondness, likeness, & conversation momentum.
In another discussion, what is the derivative particle that triggers anger? It is general understanding that if you want to solve a problem you need to nail the source of the problem. Not just know what it is, we need to understand it and figure out the solution. In this case, anger as we know it feels warm. Your blood starts to boil from inside out, and your face become red. In other words, your heart starts to pound faster and your blood vessels gets extra load all too fast and too much; hence, the intense body heat. Its the time your brain receive the warning signal and instruct your heart to pound faster and other respective actions follow. The best & fastest solution? Wash yourself cool. They are many other ways, depends on one's preferences. We need to admit that human are designed to be different to one another. For example, one can find composure in a cup of ice-cream, or listening to his/her favorite music. The thing is we can't simply make our heart to beat faster or slower. Its not like when you see a cake, you can move your hand and grab it or you smile even when your emotion is telling you otherwise. These are thing we can literally control. But our heart is a very fragile organ, hence our feelings and feelings construct relationships. Nonetheless, its the most powerful organ in our body that embodies our behavior as human.
Its when the body can't (more of choose not to) cool off the anger and keep it aside (pending in your unconscious personal mind) in ember. This collected ember will eventually become vengeance if it is left unattended. Un-noticeably, one (person A) create a persona to his/her imagination towards someone, let say person B, or anyone particularly similar to person B. It mostly hard-coded in one's brain. This is the initial value person A assign to the persona belonging to person B, at every first meeting unless person A decide to overrides the initial persona. Let say person A decide to update the persona, hence in every meeting his/her mind starts to overwrites the old values until at one point it become a preferred values for person B's persona and finally become permanent. It's not impossible to change one's perception towards you but in order for person B to achieve this (apart from working on it), person A must choose to let go. Its a paradigm shift for both person A & B.
Anybody can mock any persona. Imagine a guy, wearing a decent or saintly attires. So you met this guy first time and start to construct his persona in your mind. This process requires stored memories on that particular subject. In this case the attributes are perhaps;
Anyway, human mind and body are much more complex than this trivial depiction. Do not take it seriously. =)
Its genetic to human mind that priority will go to the things they most prefer. When these attributes are assigned with the values one like, so as one's acceptance. Its very difficult to have a person to willingly accept someone with the non-preferred values. They can only do it on second thoughts, or perhaps third, fourth, and so on. The question is, why this is happening? Simply because, in one's existing imaginative mine and intuition, certain persona can only tally with certain attributes. It is against with his/her belief & ego if somebody tell them otherwise. Perhaps when someone come and tell you the above guy is an abusive husband, its highly unlikely you'll accept willingly. This does takes all your might and gathered memories to compile the solid remark you masked on certain person.
This perhaps needs more elaboration. Will see to that soon.
Human mind is without boundary. Exploring them is the best utilization.
By the way, its just my two cents.
Last but not least, I'd like to credit three thinkers;
David Neagle
Carl Jung
In another discussion, what is the derivative particle that triggers anger? It is general understanding that if you want to solve a problem you need to nail the source of the problem. Not just know what it is, we need to understand it and figure out the solution. In this case, anger as we know it feels warm. Your blood starts to boil from inside out, and your face become red. In other words, your heart starts to pound faster and your blood vessels gets extra load all too fast and too much; hence, the intense body heat. Its the time your brain receive the warning signal and instruct your heart to pound faster and other respective actions follow. The best & fastest solution? Wash yourself cool. They are many other ways, depends on one's preferences. We need to admit that human are designed to be different to one another. For example, one can find composure in a cup of ice-cream, or listening to his/her favorite music. The thing is we can't simply make our heart to beat faster or slower. Its not like when you see a cake, you can move your hand and grab it or you smile even when your emotion is telling you otherwise. These are thing we can literally control. But our heart is a very fragile organ, hence our feelings and feelings construct relationships. Nonetheless, its the most powerful organ in our body that embodies our behavior as human.
Its when the body can't (more of choose not to) cool off the anger and keep it aside (pending in your unconscious personal mind) in ember. This collected ember will eventually become vengeance if it is left unattended. Un-noticeably, one (person A) create a persona to his/her imagination towards someone, let say person B, or anyone particularly similar to person B. It mostly hard-coded in one's brain. This is the initial value person A assign to the persona belonging to person B, at every first meeting unless person A decide to overrides the initial persona. Let say person A decide to update the persona, hence in every meeting his/her mind starts to overwrites the old values until at one point it become a preferred values for person B's persona and finally become permanent. It's not impossible to change one's perception towards you but in order for person B to achieve this (apart from working on it), person A must choose to let go. Its a paradigm shift for both person A & B.
Anybody can mock any persona. Imagine a guy, wearing a decent or saintly attires. So you met this guy first time and start to construct his persona in your mind. This process requires stored memories on that particular subject. In this case the attributes are perhaps;
- - Gender {male;female}
- - First time meeting? {yes;no}
- - Attire {smart;messy;fancy;average;good;bad}
- - Clean {yes;no}
- - Geeky? {yes;no}
- - Look {pretty;average;ugly}
- - Aura {cheerful;solemn;serious;pious;evil}
- - Gender {male}
- - First time meeting? {yes}
- - Attire {smart;average;good}
- - Clean {yes}
- - Geeky? {yes}
- - Look {average}
- - Stature {lower;similar;higher}
- - Aura {serious;pious}

Its genetic to human mind that priority will go to the things they most prefer. When these attributes are assigned with the values one like, so as one's acceptance. Its very difficult to have a person to willingly accept someone with the non-preferred values. They can only do it on second thoughts, or perhaps third, fourth, and so on. The question is, why this is happening? Simply because, in one's existing imaginative mine and intuition, certain persona can only tally with certain attributes. It is against with his/her belief & ego if somebody tell them otherwise. Perhaps when someone come and tell you the above guy is an abusive husband, its highly unlikely you'll accept willingly. This does takes all your might and gathered memories to compile the solid remark you masked on certain person.
This perhaps needs more elaboration. Will see to that soon.
Human mind is without boundary. Exploring them is the best utilization.
By the way, its just my two cents.
Last but not least, I'd like to credit three thinkers;
David Neagle
Carl Jung